Bryce's first grade class, they are such great kids. We will
definitely miss this class.

So school is out. But before school was officially out there was some recognition going on. Bryce was recognized in his class for being a "Writing Wizard." Let me go back for a minute and tell you a little about why he got this award. Somewhere about half way through the year Mrs. Thompson (which have I told you that I think that she is the best thing since sliced bread) pulled me aside and told me that she was so proud of Bryce's writing and that she wanted to show me a couple of his journal entries. So she pulled me into the class and told me about one of their writing assignments that was to write about the person that you would most like to meet in the world. Well she told me about how all of the kids had brainstormed about who that would be together and some came up with movie stars and some came up with sports players and some came up with President Obama. So after they had brainstormed about all of that she went ahead and let them start writing. Well what she had wanted to show me was that Bryce hadn't written about any of those people, he had decided to write about Ruth. Who is Ruth, right? Well Ruth is the little girl that his Sunday school class sponsers in, I think, Africa. He wrote about how he would like to meet her because she doesn't have any money and he would like to meet her and give her money. I know that I am a sap and everything, but it totally made me cry right there in front of Mrs. Thompson. Let's just say that I was so proud of him and felt totally validated as a mother. She also has shown me some of his other writing of which I cannot remember what any of it was about, but anyway way to go Writing Wizard! He also had a great report card of which I was most proud of where Mrs. Thompson had wrote in "Perhaps my favorite trait of Bryce's is that he is always courteous to others and sets a wonderful example for the entire class." Did I mention that I love Mrs. Thompson!?

Bryce also recieved a trophy for playing on the Giants. He also got the NO FEAR award. I loved Bryce's response, "Who would be afraid of baseball, anyway?" Well Bryce, that my son, is why you got the award.

And Ella graduated preschool with a paper graduation cap and everything. She learned so much and was such a good helper in her class. We are so thankful for Mrs. Heather too. She also blessed our lives this year!
1 comment:
Cara, your Bryce is precious!! You should be soooo proud :) What a sweet little soul...
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