Saturday, January 17, 2009

Washer and Dryer

We have had quite the week. Monday was bloody noses and Tuesday was puke and Wednesday was diarrhea and then of course the rest of the week was just the normal 10 loads worth. So I just wanted to give a little shout out to my washer and dryer. Let me say first that they are nothing special. They are 6 years old, my washer is not even front loading, in fact they remind me very much of what my parents had when I was growing up. However, despite their inadequacies and their failure to be new and improved and their lack of a really cool color that makes the laundry room pop (you know like those jewel tone ones that they have on the Maytag commercials), they still get the job done. They are still a modern appliance that makes my life better and for these reasons I am thankful. We spend many an hour together and I just wanted to give them the recognition that they deserve in my life. So Maytag washer and dryer I salute you. I thank you for your hard work and long hours and loyalty to me and the fam. What you do is truly essential to my sanity.
Oh and PS, Washer, could you work on doing a better job at stain removal. Sometimes the lack of effort is really astonishing.


Heather Fretz said...


Anonymous said...

well said friend!

Albert Telsey said...


My name is Albert Telsey. I'm an attorney and family man in Westfield NJ. Your blog is wonderful. I keep one too. I notice you have a relation whose first name is Telsey and another whose first name is Colton. As you can see, my last name is Telsey and my mother's maiden name was Colton. Small world. Keep up your wonderful blogs. You have a terrific family.


Al Telsey

Ashley Elizabeth said...

No kidding thankgoodness for modern appliances. I hate laundry, but it could be worse! I hope everyone is feeling better, sounds like a drag!

Ashley Elizabeth said...

BTW I love the new background! Where'd you find it? Super Cute! Miss ya!

Lindsay said...

Who knew a washer & dryer would become our best friends? Is that sad or funny? :)